Childrens Roles

Roles and Responsibilities 

At Clayton Village Primary School we aim to develop our children as active citizens by giving them opportunities to take on leadership roles. Each year our children do a great job supporting the running of the school through the roles that they undertake. Our school responsibilty roles aim to encourage our children to

  • Develop confidence and responsibility and make the most of their abilities
  • Prepare them to play an active role as citizens
  • Develop healthy, safer lifestyles
  • Develop good relationships and respect the differences between people
  • To have a “voice” and to share their opinions and ideas with others

Head Pupils – Year 6

These children are responsible for promoting Clayton Village Primary School at every opportunity. Representing the school when required at community events, acting as a positive role model. They regularly meet with School Council to discuss any issues and needs that arise to do with the school aswel as meeting with Mrs Rahim regularly to discuss impact of new initiatives and make suggestions for improvements. These pupils are a  positive role model – good attitude towards every aspect of school life including behaviour and school attendance. Head pupils are elected by the rest of the school community.

Prefects – Year 6

These children assist in the day to day running of our school. Acting as a role model to their peers they support the teaching staff by supervising our coridoors and queues, they are able to recognise excellent behaviour in our students and issue rewards alongside providing guidence and support to vulnerable students. Children are able to apply in writing to become a Prefect. Interviews take place and the children have to provide a presentation to their peers on why they would be suitable for the role.

Office Juniors – Year 6 

Assisting our administration team during lunch times and breaks to complete a range of administration tasks such as delivering letters to our classes, taking messages to our teachers and welcoming guests to our school. These children are able to demonstrate excellent organisational and communication skills. Children are able to apply in writing to become an office juniour. Interviews take place and the children have to provide a presentation to their peers and office staff on why they would be suitable for the role.

Digital Leaders – Year 6

These children demonstrate a flair and talent for using ICT. They take responsibilty for ensuring our ICT equipment is ready for assemblies, run class demonstrations for our younger children on how to use the equipment, navigate apps and programs and store our equipment safely. They promote E-safety initatives and act as a role model for online safety. Children are able to apply in writing to become a digital leader. Interviews take place and the children have to provide a presentation to their peers on why they would be suitable for the role.

School Council – Year 1 – 6

The School Council is made up of two councillors from Years 1 – 6  who have nominated themselves to represent their class. Our school councilers have excellent listening skills and are required to bring their classes suggests to meetings, they help make decisions about how the school is run and they represent our schools ‘pupil voice.’  Each year elections for the School Council are held in September. Candidates are given time to canvas for votes and share their manifestos. Voting is done using ballot papers and posted into a ballot box, the votes are counted and winners announced in assembly.


There are also a number of smaller responsibilty roles available throughout our school including register monitors, classroom equipment monitors, lunch bunch helpers and line leaders, these are delegated by class teachers and may change throughout the year.