
Science at CVPS


At Clayton Village Primary School, we believe science is the key to developing children’s curiosity and we want our children to work as scientists to develop their way of thinking. Science at primary level provides the foundations for understanding the world around us. Through our engaging and enquiry based themes for each term the children are able to fully immerse themselves in to exciting topics. A fundamental role of science at Clayton Village Primary School is to allow children to discover, explain and develop their knowledge and skills through investigations and working scientifically. We block our units of work in science to enable children to become fluent in their knowledge and fully immerse themselves with the new learning. Within these units we use knowledge organisers to recall knowledge and continue to revisit throughout the year to aid knowledge to be embedded into their long term memory. The use of visits and visitors also further enhances our science curriculum.


Becoming a scientist begins in our Early Years classroom where our children learn about science first hand; through carefully planned play based activities both inside and utilising our garden space outside. We keep children naturally inquisitive and excited about the world around them. Science plays an important and progressive role within the school’s curriculum therefore it is essential that children within EYFS are given every opportunity to discuss and explore their own ideas with increasing curiosity.


Our science curriculum in Key Stage 1 and builds upon the principles and aims to promote the skills needed for scientific enquiry. In Year 1, children continue to learn about science through carefully planned enquiries through provision indoors and outside in the garden area. In Year 2, children continue to learn key knowledge, methods and the uses of science through well planned activities.  We want to ensure children continue to be alert and aware of the science around them in their own lives and are able to explain how and why science is important.

Year 1 end points document

Year 2 end points document


In Key Stage 2 children broaden their view of the scientific world around them. Through practical lessons children are encouraged to think about their own understanding of the world, to ask questions and to explore ways in which these questions can be answered through scientific investigations. Children are taught how to make predictions, plan investigations, keep tests fair, use equipment safely, measure and record their results, draw conclusions and present their results.

Year 3 end points document

Year 4 end points document

Year 5 end points document

Year 6 end points document